Sunday, July 9, 2017

My Little Pony: The Movie Collectibles Revealed at New York

A few days later, a man shows up to his house to tell him the news that he has a twin brother! Guru doesn't believe it at first, but then he finds out his mom kept it a secret his whole life. God's twin brother also gets the news and they meet at God's twin brother Dru at his enormous house. The kids and Lucy stay there with him. Just by me explaining it, it doesn't sound that fun. But the movie itself is more fun than I'm explaining it. Despicable Me 3 has the main cast as Gru. 

This is one of my most anticipated movies of all time! Since the first episode of Friendship is Magic, I knew they were gonna hit the big time sooner or later. It's my 2nd favorite show, they can't screw this up! C'mon, Hasbro! Don't let me down! This movie, in my opinion, is worth being rated as only "half a star". Now you can hate me for this? Or praise me as well but it's not about the action or even the fact of the story here. In some ways, the story for a movie is not bad? But what IS bad is something I think that most audience members SHOULD criticize Michael Bay over about here.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

My Little Pony: The Movie Logo Drops, And More Casting News

Yes, it is! Look, Lucy is a big fan of My Little Pony. It shows that Netflix, and then play with my game Little Pony. (It is the only Rainbow Dash. I conclude that Pinkie Pie Twilight Sparkle can be). David and Lizzie, and, yes, even my father - enjoy my very small pony. This show is fun, has a lot of humor, always wrapped in a nice Eventually a small lesson. While small toy pony and my friends have this game, and I have not seen this show as a kid. So I really do not compare with the original. Unfortunately! The film was the same size as shown - Twilight Sparkle Princess to take her crown in Equestria Otherwise, do the elements of harmony does not work!

There is ups and downs and fight, but in the end, the magic of friendship win the final victory! here were clever jokes and Josh laughs and makes you laugh. The character Pinkie Pie relaxed fun. The jokes are not very dirty or adult. The film was made for children and adults, and Josh and I love it too. It was so good to teach children in the theater as ponies, listening represented in human form. "This is Apple Bloom!" O "Macintosh" When a new character who speaks to the side of the man, you can say that he was Ponyville and says he has 10 or more in a whisper (or not even whisper). I really enjoyed it. I felt like a kid again. 

It was like a treasure hunt - what is "marginal" is displayed next time? Villain discovers the error of his ways, and all the horses and pities them. This is the part I like best. People can change, and we must give them this opportunity and to help them change. What is the great lesson! Now Lizzie asked me: "Mom when this movie on Amazon to see it at home?" The story is still pretty cliché. Not to mention the fact that the main plot is a bit peaky "scam of any of the above. The component of the device/charm Equestria destroy a man and becomes a magical beast. Wear girls to overcome imaging power of friendship that enemy. End. It is a very stereotypical image, which makes this series can be very predictable.

Friday, January 6, 2017

'My Little Pony' Movie Gets New Pony

My Little Pony: charming film in particular and many beautiful moments, and when one of the young wizards casually eating an insect caught in a spider web, the spider shakes his fist at her. I also like when another pony snooze warns. The dowry is delighted: "What is schmooze do what you want is something fun." This, of course, reminds me a little 'how Pinky Pie could answer. 

There are several songs in the film, many of which are very funny, such as the "dirty work" singing witches gather the youth from bouts snooze components. I love the song that sings snooze wizards own. There are also sweet and kind of clever song well with the beautiful side of the question and the answer. At the same time, magicians - Lydia (Cloris Leachman) and her two daughters, Reeka (Rhea Perlman) and muddy (Madeline Khan) - conspire against joy for ponies. 

You Cydia feel disappointed because there is no damage to his daughters. it's boring, "it was the good old days when everything is dark, damp and he looked sad and sweet horses before arrival and they did everything clean, bright and colorful. "sings a beautiful song about how they should be more wrong. one of the things that annoy Cydia is the fact that their daughters not to play with a guillotine, who bought them. the good news, Bronies, and Pegasisters! Screaming! My Boat Little Pony: the movie, the first film My Little Pony on DVD. 

And although it may miss the voice talent familiar strong Tara, Andrea Libman and the rest of friendship gang Is Magic has players who are well known, Danny DeVito, Madeline Khan, Cloris Leachman, Rhea Perlman and Tony Randall, and people from the television series on the 80s, including Nancy Cartwright (who is known to make people feel the voice of Bart Simpson). Nail also the favorite son of Drago all expressed here by Charlie Adler. His favorite book is William Shakespeare and Kurt Vonnegut. Left is a choice, a member of a religious organization, tattoos, no tuba or mandolin (which is fine with the lack of a tube, but want to get left-handed mandolin). He loves Guinness and Sam Adams and cream soda, breaking in general, and would like to have a long-term perspective of a raccoon coat, since 1920th.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

My Little Pony: The Movie Release Date Revealed

Junior wants the CEO position so badly but he struggles to fire Tulip because she's kind and hardworking. The reason she's being let go is that she always comes up with new ideas to promote for Cornerstone but none of those ideas ever flew. Instead of firing Tulip Junior decides to transfer her to the mail room but that immediately backfires when she finds a boy's letter where it says that he wants a little brother. She sends the letter into the baby making the machine where a little baby girl is born. This miraculous dilemma is a huge situation for Junior because if his boss or any of the workers find out about this he will be fired.


A movie that relies way too much on its colorful animation that seems to forget that a good story needs characters. The plot isn't horrible a little unoriginal but had potential. The problem is it seems that the Warner Animation Group was attempting to make the characters as annoying and unlikable of possible. The comic relief wasn't funny the parental subplot made me wonder why CPS wasn't called on the parents and the conversations between the main characters made me wish the theater had a mute button. There were a lot of jokes that fell flat but there were several that were very clever and intelligent. Given the beautiful animation the jokes that worked and a nice although incredibly brief statement about single and same-sex parents at the end of the film I feel the film was passable but far from good.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Story Abstract: My Little Pony: The Movie Film

Finally, Maurice is free indeed. His friend told him who the real traitor. But the hitman wants to bring his mission still over.  Jack Burns is a relic from another time. The Outsider and vagabond have missed the connection to the modern world and eke out an existence as a lone cowboy. However, the only person he would call his friend in jail and so decides to Jack that he wants to be locked up on purpose to escape together with Paul and to spend at liberty to retirement. But arrived in prison, wants to be the old companion to know anything about an outbreak and so Jack starts again alone trying to feel the light of freedom again on his skin. However after the successful outbreak is to him, the police and the ambitious Sheriff on the verses. These are equipped with the latest technology and chasing Jack mercilessly trying on his horse to let the so-called civilization behind and to live its own independent life in peace.

The beautiful Roxy Miller travels by her car through the Californian desert, when she suddenly with huge cavemen Eagar collides. She flees and told both her father and her lover of the accident. Looking for the original man Roxy and her father are kidnapped, Egan falls seemingly in the beauty and her boyfriend tried to save her. Dr. Bill Corner does not want to accept that his girlfriend died in a car accident. My head was thereby separated and Bill retains the body part as a souvenir of his mistress. Now only the appropriate body to which he can transplant the head lacks. General Frank D. Merrill leads a troop of 3,000 American volunteers his unit behind the Japanese borders on Burma too. He brings them to their limits. In a mysterious man dressed in an eye-catching white suit, comes to a small town in the southern United States. His name is Adam Cramer and he presents himself as a social reformer. But his true intentions are bleak. He wants to ensure that African-American children are not allowed back into the schools and sow hatred among the white population. Adam Cramer has established itself as a kind of leader but gets through treachery and deceit its position in jeopardy. Residents of the town are an angry mob, who are difficult to control, let alone be steered since.

My Little Pony: The Movie Filming Start Date

The Wizard Pendragon was banished from the country and swears revenge. He instructed the giant Cormorant to kidnap Princess Elaine on her birthday. The simple peasant boy Jack observed the abduction-killing Cormorant and save Elaine's life. Jack gets to protect the job Elaine and not to lose sight of. But Pendragon has a dark plan. He lets Elaine kidnap of witches and bring on a distant island. Jack teams up with the Viking Sigrid and his cabin boy Peter to travel to the island and rescue Elaine again. The poor princess was enchanted and lures her friends in a deceitful trap. Through dark magic’s Sigrid is turned into a dog and Peter into a monkey. Have the two now even have a chance to save Elaine? As Pendragon turned into a dangerous dragon, the task looks hopeless.

Like all great names was Sigmund Freud, a lateral thinker. In 1885 he worked as a neurologist in Vienna, but argues violently with his supervisor about the subject of hysteria. He changed to Paris where he became friends with Professor Jean-Martin Charlot.  It is Freud possible to discover the subconscious; he is separated from the rational thinking and makes the cause of many behavioral disorders in him. On his return to Vienna, however, Freud discovers that not keep all his theory convincing. However, Dr. Josef Brewer advocated what has developed Freud and transfers it to two patients, by means of which he intended to prove what so far is only on paper. Jewel thief Maurice shoots the fence that has killed his girlfriend. At his next coup dies his accomplice Remy while he himself is wounded and ends up by denunciation in prison. The guilt he gives his friend utensils who work as a spy for the police. Maurice is a killer on him. But just utensils tried every means to relieve Maurice. He wants to ensure that the police arrest someone else for the murder. That's why he falsifies evidence influenced a witness and committing a double murder.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

My Little Pony: The Movie Movie Review

To avoid a devastating attack by the Germans, Pike sends deliberately false reports about their own troop strength over the radio knowing full well that the transmissions are intercepted. Various other lists can be used to deter the enemy from attacking. But Pike and his men know that they only delay the inevitable. Richard Holland is a very rich White Hawaii. The local people appreciate him. When his sister fell in love with a colored student, his pride of reason is shattered on. Then he admits his Hawaiian mistress that she is pregnant by him.

The ill President decides to appoint the controversial to Secretary of State. Cooley the Southern Senator threatens to publicize the fact that used earlier contacts with the Communists. But the president cannot be dissuaded by the decision. Therefore the head of the Senate Committee of acquaintances is notified. Is being blackmailed and commits suicide. As then dies even the president who previously less significant vice president has the last word. The Second World War is raging on the eastern front with all its horrors. The Russian and German troops square off against and brutal combat supply for every centimeter. One day, a group of Soviet soldiers found a little boy. The twelve-year-old introduced himself as Ivan and is brought by soldiers to their commander in chief, Lieutenant The boy, however, requires quite confidently that he would just talk to the supervisor of Glazed. After some time, Ivan, therefore, choline is brought, his startled soldiers. Ivan works as a Russian spy behind enemy lines and provides important and vital clues, which are a real help to the Soviet troops. At his own request, the boy is dropped off in enemy territory and thus takes his shocking family secret with the front. Actually, Banker Roger Hobbs wants to spend a romantic holiday with his wife, but the loads equal to the entire extended family one.